It's my first SF sale (it's a story about time travel that uses a mechanism, not 'magic', so it's SF for all intents and purposes!) and will be in Athena's Daughters vol. 2. YAY!
Thing is, there is a kickstarter gearing up for the anthology, which will require a lot of time on my part (advertising, blogging, guest blogging, etc.). Don't get me wrong; it's going to be a lot of fun. But with the PhD going full steam ahead, and me teaching two classes a week (which requires prep time), plus having to do life stuff (like go to the gym, sleep, eat, etc.), my time and attention span are short. So I've had to make some choices. It makes me sad, but I have had to bow out of my writers' group (which meets in London once a month, which is now 2 trains away from me). It seems contradictory, to leave a writers' group right when I need good writing feedback, but I need the time right now more than anything.
So watch this space. In the near future there will be news about the Kickstarter, including possibly guest posts/interviews with my fellow anthology-mates. And as part of the Kickstarter, I will be donating some goodies!