Silly old words.
That's what I collect (in addition to charms for a bracelet and random scraps of fabric. Which will so too end up as a quilt one day).
I got into a slight HULLABALOO over pints recently with a friend, who insisted that I couldn't collect old words if I don't actually then own them. He was FLUMMOXED by the concept. We nearly came to FISTICUFFS.
According to MW Dictionary:
transitive verb
a : to bring together into one body or place
b : to gather or exact from a number of persons or sources<collect taxes>
c : to gather an accumulation of (objects) especially as a hobby <collects stamps>
Nothing there says that the things have to be, well, things, or that they have to be all crammed together, CATAWAMPUS and dusty, on the top of a dresser or a bookshelf. Or folded up and kept in a BILL FOLD.
FYI: that last one makes me cringe. In 4th grade, I had a red wallet with navy blue piping on the edges. It was the 70s, so the damn thing had something like 'My first wallet' printed on it, in navy as well. One day we had a substitute teacher, older and not as cool as Mrs. Osborne. At the end of the day, I noticed my wallet (which likely held all of 30 cents) wasn't in my desk. The sub kept on calling it a 'bill fold' when asking the class if anyone had seen it. I didn't know what was worse: the attention or the fact that the sub kept using THAT word to describe my cool wallet, thereby equating me with someone my grandma's age.
Sure, you can do an internet search for 'old words' and find pages and pages of them, but the important ones are the ones that rattle around inside your head and have specific context. Even if that context reminds you that you wore flared SLACKS the first time they were in fashion.
What words have you collected?