My editor, Jared Shurin from Jurassic London, put together a great event at the National Maritime Museum. During the Dark and Stormy Late, we gathered beneath a wall of nautical figureheads where he introduced the anthology Irregularity and three contributors each gave a very quick reading (and I can't wait to read each of their stories, as well as all of the others in the book). Then all of the authors who were there went to the museum shop and signed books: all of the hardbacks (there are still some available via the museum giftshop), as well as hardbacks and paperbacks bought by the readers. It was so much fun! I signed a few title pages for the whole anthology, but most readers wanted each of us authors to sign the title page to our stories. On most of my title pages, I wrote 'To ___-- Love is chaos--' and then signed at the bottom of the page.
I've done a reading and signing before, for the Best Women's Erotica 2012 anthology that my story 'All's Fair' is included in, but never before had I done a signing of this size. It's such great fun to talk to the people who have bought the book. I just hope they enjoy my story as much as I enjoyed writing it!