Since moving and finishing up ALL OF THE CONS, I have been working on the PhD, settling into a new home routine, starting teaching again this year, and trying to figure out how to get everything done that I need to get done in the next several months. This means that my attention is constantly being pulled away from what I am trying to do right this minute. I've hit this sort of internal calm; I've got edges of panic and high stress levels, but internally I know it will get done. It's an accepted fact. The panic is just that I don't know HOW it will get done, or at what cost.
That makes very little sense.
I suppose the important thing is that we make our choices, and we live with the consequences. I have 4 hours on Mondays between the classes I teach, and I have yet to fully prep for the following week in that time so that I don't have to take materials home with me. This means that I had to take a couple of hours out of last night's work on the dissertation to get ready for Monday. Which means that I am now playing catch-up this morning (yesterday was also a day with ALL THE EMAILS). I am paying for my lack of sit-down-and-do-it ness, and I am annoyed at myself. So, Monday will be different, with the hope that the rest of next week will also be different.
News: I sold a short story to an anthology that is having a Kickstarter here soon. Deatils to come.
Coming up:
About a Kickstarter
Away Writing Weekend
How to Go Back and Revise a Novel a Year Later
Just finished reading:
Emma Newman's Split Worlds books (the 3 that are available)
Seven Deadly Sins of Gardening and the Vices and Virtues of Gardeners by Toby Musgrave & Mike Calnan
The Tudor Garden by Twigs Way
Reading Now:
In Search of Eden: The Course of an Obsession by James Weir
A Conspiracy of Alchemists (book 1 in the Chronicles of Light & Shadow) by Liesel Schwarz