2. It is mid-June, which means summer, but I am still wearing a hoodie everywhere. Welcome to England!
3. I turn in my PhD in two weeks. TWO WEEKS! I have to have a final-ish draft of the 40,000-word dissertation to my first supervisor tomorrow, who will turn it around to me before she leaves on vaca Friday. Friday I am away all day at a research conference, but on the way home I stop off at uni to pick up the 100,000-word novel from my second supervisor (who is adding in notes from the first supervisor). Then I am gone part of Saturday, heading to London Sunday night to visit with an out-of-the-country friend on Monday and Tuesday. So next Wednesday the 24th through Sunday the 28th is ALL THE EDITING. On the 29th I head to uni to have 3 copies of the whole thing--close to 400 pages each--printed and bound. And then it gets sent to the examiners to read.
4. I viva in early August. So I can graduate in October.
5. Does there need to be a 5? Did you not read 3?
6. Here, have a 6: This past Saturday I gave a guest lecture at Cambridge. THE Cambridge University! To a Creative Writing class, about non-fiction garden writing. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY, people!